Glutathione. What Is All the Craze About?
Written By: Dr. Meredith Trump What Is Glutathione? Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant which is primarily used within the liver but found at high concentrations in most cells of the body. Production of glutathione requires significant energy usage due to the formation of the compound from three different peptides (cystine, glycine and glutamic acid). The fact that the body uses lots of energy for formation, yet there are high levels required highlights the importance of glutathione throughout the body system. Glutathione exists within cells in two different forms: reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG). The ratio of these two forms ultimately determine the health of our cells. It is ideal to have a higher amount of GSH as this is the form that protects cells from oxidative stress. Why Is It Important? The importance of glutathione cannot be overstated in terms of the protection that it provides cells. Glutathione directly support cells by binding up free radicals which are a byprodu...